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Four Tips for the Perfect Proposal

January 9th, 2017

Engagement rings? Bended knee? Romantic dinner? There is a lot of planning that goes into the perfect proposal, which is different for every couple. These four tips will help anyone plan their best proposal and get that ?yes!?

engagement on a rocky beach

1. Know Your Mate

The most important thing to take into consideration when planning a proposal is the personality of the intended. Nothing is worse than a large-scale proposal getting turned down because the proposee is shy and mortified by public displays. On the other hand, if he or she has always dreamed of a grand gesture, nothing else will satisfy. Hopefully the person doing the asking knows what their partner will want, but if not, it?s a good idea to ask friends and family what?s expected.

2. Make It Personal

The more personal a proposal, the better. It shows the care, thought, and love the proposer will be bringing to their marriage. Sentimental locations, such as the first date spot, or first ?I love you? spot will bring back happy memories. The big question itself should include personal touches, including telling the intended all the things the proposer loves about him or her.

3. The Ring Must Be Right

Picking out engagement rings can be a daunting task; after all, it has to be perfect! Some people drop hints, or even leave pictures around, but for less obvious cases, it might be a good idea to wait and pick out the ring together. Couples can even design their own ring to make sure it?s exactly right.

4. The Gang?s All Here

Involving family and friends in a proposal really turns it into a special event. Get their input from the beginning, especially when it comes to engagement rings. The moment itself should be intimate, but once the ?yes? is obtained, it?s wonderful to have family and friends rush over to offer congratulations. It?s also a great idea to have a friend or two in hiding, in order to capture photos of the proposal.

?Will you marry me?? is one of the most important life questions someone can ask. These tips will help lead to the happily ever after.