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The Best Tips for Planning A Wedding Date

December 15th, 2021

Life is unpredictable. Wedding planning can be even more so. With the world wondering when the date will be set, it can be stressful and confusing to pick a date. What season? Will the weather hold up? Will the venue have the date available? What about Grandma, will she be able to work the wedding into her busy schedule? You are not alone with these worries. Many have faced similar obstacles, and you can overcome them as well. Each, however, started with a wedding date. Only then can your journey begin. Allow our experts to take you through our guide to deciding when you should get married.

A Venue to Start

Pick a spot first. If you have a dream wedding setting, then make sure to snag wherever that spot may be. That is due to the simple fact that if it is desirable to you, then it is desirable to someone else. Booking early might mean you are able to have your wedding in the place that you want the ceremony to occur.

That is not the only reason for getting an early start. Picking a venue first makes the date-picking process easier because you can already narrow down which dates are available. See, picking a date is all about narrowing it down. Shed off the days you do not want until you are left with a golden, shining slice of time.

Holiday Weddings

There are pros and cons to having a wedding on a holiday. Depending on which one, it might be easier for guests to attend. Most jobs are legally forced to give employees time off during Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year?s Eve. Most schools are out too, making it easier for them to attend as well.

On the other hand, it can be more expensive to book venues and caterers during holidays. These days are often in high demand and cost more as a result. Furthermore, some services, and people, may not be available. People who work in certain industries, especially the service industry, usually do not get holidays off. If you are considering a holiday, make sure that it works for everyone.

What Else is Going On?

Nothing kills romance like traffic. Imagine this: staring into your bride-to-be?s eyes, knowing that she?s going to be in your life forever, only to be interrupted by an uncle asking where to park. Romance is gone, now you have to reconcile with the fact that you forgot that the Ann Arbor Folk Fest is happening and folk musicians from all around the country are taking up parking spaces. When planning the wedding and booking the venue, search for events on the internet to make sure there are not other large events that will clog up the streets.

Weather Wedding Tips for Wedding Trip

Destination weddings are lovely. While Ann Arbor harbors romance, it?s understandable if the wild nature of Alaska or sunny California are more desirable for your wedding. Either way, keep the weather in mind. It could be unseasonably warm or, worse yet, right in the middle hurricane season. Wherever you decide to say, ?I do? make sure to plan for a time that does not typically have adverse weather, and always have a back-up plan.

No Matter the Date, Lewis Jewelers Will Make It Brighter

Only Lewis Jewelers has the experience to make your special day as bright as it deserves. We are purveyors of only the finest, most brilliant designer engagement rings, wedding bands, and other high-end luxuries. We also offer various services, including appraisals and custom jewelry. Having served the Detroit region for over a century, we are proud to support the University of Michigan, the Kite Network, UM Children?s Hospital, and other local charities. For more information, contact our showroom at (734) 994-511.